Update on Batch Corrections for Institutions via the Electronic Data Exchange, Flexibilities, and Additional Support for the 2024-25 FAFSA Cycle (2024)


Posted Date

July 30, 2024


Federal Student Aid


Update on Batch Corrections for Institutions via the Electronic Data Exchange, Flexibilities, and Additional Support for the 2024-25 FAFSA Cycle

This announcement provides an update on batch institutional corrections and flexibilities and support for the 2024-25 FAFSA cycle. We are grateful for your hard work and perseverance during this extraordinary year, which we acknowledge has been full of changes, difficulties, and delays. With this in mind, we are working to release updates on a timeline that allows us to balance quick and timely information with careful consideration of details and mitigations that may limit the impact on our partners.

Batch Institutional Corrections

The Department previously shared that batch institutional corrections via the Electronic Data Exchange (EDE) would be available by mid-August. Today, we are providing the update that unfortunately batch corrections functionality will be deferred until the 2025-26 FAFSA cycle. We know that this is not the news that you, our partners, were expecting and adds to the challenges your organizations have already been facing.

This decision is based on two main factors. First, due to the delayed delivery timeline, institutions would not be able to utilize batch corrections before they begin their fall semesters. Second, we are prioritizing the development of a well-tested, robust, and end-to-end launch of the 2025-26 form and need to ensure development resources are focused appropriately. We know this is also a priority for all our partners and students.

Since launching the FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP) earlier this month, over 2,800 institutions have successfully submitted individual corrections. In recognition of both the time sensitivity and extra administrative burden for institutions, the Department is making new support available to help institutions complete the FPP institutional corrections process.

Assistance for Institutions

We know this decision creates additional burdens for institutions that are already experiencing a heavy workload and increased demands during this extraordinary FAFSA processing cycle.

Today, the Department is announcing the availability of no-cost technical assistance to help institutions submit corrections via FPP. Institutions who wish to leverage third-party services for assistance may learn more about their eligibility and how to request support here. Please note that school requests will be approved based on need, servicers’ capacity, and availability of funds.

Some institutions whose request for support is approved will need to complete the process to update their Application to Participate (E-App) and initiate access to their FTI-SAIG mailbox. The Department will provide additional information on this process next week to help expedite participation by institutions.

Extending Flexibilities

The Department is also extending the following existing flexibilities:

  • Extending suspensions on routine program reviews. As part of its oversight duties, the Department routinely conducts program reviews to confirm a college meets the Department’s requirements for institutional eligibility, financial responsibility, and administrative capability. The Department previously announced the suspension of all new program reviews through June 2024, except for those related to the most serious issues like suspected fraud or a severe breach of fiduciary duty. Institutions with an ongoing program review can also request extensions for responses to program reviews, reports, or requests for additional documentation. Today, we are announcing that this suspension will extend through September 2024.

  • Providing additional flexibility on recertification. Institutions are currently required to routinely recertify eligibility for the Department’s federal student aid programs no later than 90 days before their Program Participation Agreement (PPA) expires. The Department also previously announced that it would waive that 90-day requirement for schools whose PPA expires in March, June, or September 2024, meaning these schools have until their expiration day to submit a recertification application. We are further waiving the 90-day requirement for schools whose PPA expires in December 2024.

  • Extending the disbursem*nt reporting timeline. In recent years, institutions were required to report disbursem*nts no later than 15 calendar days after the institution makes a disbursem*nt. On May 10, 2024, the Department announced that institutions will not be required to report disbursem*nts made for the 2024-25 award year until 30 days after the date that school corrections become available, and on May 22, we further clarified that this flexibility extends until 30 days after batch corrections functionality. Given the deferral of batch corrections to the 2025-26 FAFSA cycle, and that schools may need additional time to process institutional corrections in FPP, institutions will not be required to report disbursem*nts made for the 2024-25 award year until November 30 or 15 calendar days after the disbursem*nt is made, whichever is later.

Contact Information

Any questions about this announcement should be sent through the Contact Customer Support form link in Federal Student Aid’s Help Center. When submitting a question, please enter your name, email address, IHE, topic, and question. When selecting a topic, please select “2024-25 FAFSA.”

Last Modified: 07/30/2024

Update on Batch Corrections for Institutions via the Electronic Data Exchange, Flexibilities, and Additional Support for the 2024-25 FAFSA Cycle (2024)


Update on Batch Corrections for Institutions via the Electronic Data Exchange, Flexibilities, and Additional Support for the 2024-25 FAFSA Cycle? ›

Batch Institutional Corrections

When can schools make 24-25 FAFSA corrections? ›

Institutions will be able to submit corrections via the FAFSA Partner Portal (FPP) by the end of June. The FPP will allow institutions to submit corrections electronically by entering the data manually in the FAFSA Partner Portal.

Is FAFSA open for corrections yet? ›

To be considered for federal student aid for the 2023–24 award year, you can complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form between Oct. 1, 2022, and 11:59 p.m. Central time (CT) on June 30, 2024. Any FAFSA corrections or updates must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CT on Sept.

Is there a paper 24-25 FAFSA? ›

We began processing paper 2024–25 forms in late July and expect to process the backlog of submitted paper forms within two to three weeks. If you provided a valid email address on your form, you'll receive an email letting you know when your FAFSA Submission Summary is available to view on StudentAid.gov.

How long does it take for the Fafsa paper application to process? ›

Processing Paper Forms

The Department anticipates that the processing of paper forms will be complete within two to three weeks.

How long does it take for FAFSA corrections to be processed? ›

Once your correction is submitted and you receive a confirmation number, the correction will be processed in three to five days. There may be some fields you can't correct. If so, contact your school's financial aid office for help.

Why would a college make corrections to my FAFSA? ›

There are several situations where the original application information may need to be changed—sometimes because it was reported incorrectly (corrections); sometimes because dependency status, household size, or number in college must be updated; and sometimes because an aid administrator makes an adjustment based on ...

How many corrections can I make on the FAFSA? ›

You cannot submit a second correction until we have processed the first one and generated a new FAFSA Submission Summary. Corrections normally process within one to three days.

What is the new FAFSA update? ›

The FAFSA Simplification Act will expand the Federal Pell Grant to more students and will link eligibility to family size and the federal poverty level (starting with the 2024–25 award year).

Why can't I submit my FAFSA corrections? ›

Updates: If Your Situation Has Changed

Most information cannot be updated because it must be accurate as of the day you originally signed your FAFSA form. For example, if you spent some of your savings after filing the FAFSA form, you may not update your information to show a change in that amount.

What is the FAFSA deadline for 2024? ›

In response to these delays, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a bill on March 25 extending the deadline for California students to file their FAFSA to May 2, 2024, in order to be eligible for state financial aid.

What is the income limit for FAFSA 2024? ›

What Are the FAFSA Income Limits for 2024? Both students and their parents often think their household income makes them ineligible for financial aid. However, there's no income limit for the FAFSA, and the U.S. Department of Education does not have an income cap for federal financial aid.

What documents do you need for FAFSA 2024-2025? ›

You might need the following information or documents as you fill out the FAFSA form:
  • Your parents' SSNs if they have SSNs and you're a dependent student.
  • Tax returns.
  • Records of child support received.
  • Current balances of cash, savings, and checking accounts.
  • Net worth of investments, businesses, and farms.

How long does it take the FAFSA to process 2024-25? ›

If you submitted your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form, you can expect the U.S. Department of Education (ED) to process your form based on the method of submission: Forms submitted electronically are processed within one to three days. Paper forms are processed within 7–10 days.

How to know if FAFSA is approved? ›

After you submit your FAFSA form online, you can check its status immediately by going to fafsa.gov and logging in with your FSA ID (account username and password). (Note: Only the student can check the status.)

Why is FAFSA taking so long? ›

The delays are a result of overhauls made to the aid application system that were mandated by laws passed by Congress in 2019 and 2020. The overhauls were intended to make the FAFSA simpler, easier to use, and to make more lower-income students eligible for more aid.

Can I add a school to my FAFSA after submitting 24-25? ›

Once your 2024–25 FAFSA form is processed, you can add or delete a school on your FAFSA form by doing the following steps: Log in and go to your account Dashboard. Select the submitted FAFSA form. Select the processed FAFSA submission in the “My Activity” section.

How many times can you make FAFSA corrections? ›

If you used fafsa.gov to correct your FAFSA form, you cannot fix the mistake yet. Even though you have a confirmation number, you cannot submit a second correction until we process the first one and generate your Student Aid Report (SAR). We'll process your first correction within one to three days.

Can you update schools on FAFSA? ›

You can change the schools receiving your FAFSA information after you've submitted the form. This option is only available once your FAFSA form is processed. You can add or delete a school on your FAFSA form by following these steps: Go to the FAFSA form.

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